发布时间:2021-10-02 16:04:13


6. Self-assembly of a supramolecular, three-dimensional, spoked, bicycle-like wheel.

Xiaocun Lu, Xiaopeng Li, Yan Cao, Anthony Schultz, Jin-Liang Wang, Charles N. Moorefield, Chrys Wesdemiotis* Stephen Z. D. Cheng, George R. Newkome.* 

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2013, 52, 7728-7731

5. From supramolecular triangle to heteroleptic rhombus: a simple bridge can make a difference. (+ authors contributed equally).

Xiaocun Lu,+ Xiaopeng Li,+ Jin-Liang Wang, Charles N. Moorefield, Chrys Wesdemiotis,* George R. Newkome.* 

Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 9873-9875

4. Shape-persistent Ruthenium(II)- and Iron(II)-bisterpyridine metallodendrimers: synthesis, traveling-wave ion-mobility mass spectrometry, and photophysical properties. 

Jin-Liang Wang, Xiaopeng Li, Carol D. Shreiner, Xiaocun Lu, Charles N. Moorefield, Sreedhar R. Tummalapalli, Frank R. Fronczek, Chrys Wesdemiotis,* George R. Newkome.* 

This publication was featured as Cover article and “Hot Paper” in Volume 36, Issue 2, 2012. It was also the Top 10 downloaded paper in January, 2012.

New J. Chem., 2012, 36, 484-491

3. Stoichiometric self-Assembly of shape-persistent 2D complexes: a facile route to a symmetric, supramacromolecular spoked wheel. (+authors contributed equally)

Jin-Liang Wang,+ Xiaopeng Li,+ Xiaocun Lu, I-Fan Hsieh, Yan Cao, Charles N. Moorefield, Chrys Wesdemiotis,* Stephen Z. D. Cheng, George R. Newkome.*  

This article was the most read and downloaded paper of J. Am. Chem. Soc. in July 2011 and reported by The National Science Foundation (NSF). It was also highlighted by JACS Select collection focused on “Abiological Self-Assembly Via Coordianation: Formation of 2d Metallacycles and 3d Metallacages with Well-Defined Shapes and Sizes and Their Chemistry”.

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133, 11450-11453

2. Dendron functionalized bisterpyridine iron(II)- or cadmium(II)-metallomacrocycles: synthesis, traveling wave ion mobility mass spectrometry, and photophysical properties. 

Jin-Liang Wang, Xiaopeng Li, Xiaocun Lu, Yi-Tsu Chan, Charles N. Moorefield, Chrys Wesdemiotis,* George R. Newkome.* This study was featured as “Very Important Paper”(VIP), highlighted by Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. in Volume 50, Issue 17, April 18, 2011.

Chem. Eur. J., 2011, 17, 4830–4838

1. Self-assembly and traveling wave ion mobility mass spectrometry analysis of hexacadmium macrocycles.

Yi-Tsu Chan, Xiaopeng Li, Monica Soler, Jin-Liang Wang, Chrys Wesdemiotis,* George R. Newkome.*  This study was reported by Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN) as a cover story, entitled as “Doubling Up On Mass Analysis” in Volume 88, Issue 1, March 29, 2010.

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 16395–16397
